Monday, 24 June 2019


What does your diet have to do with your mind? In Yogic thought, we see the person as a whole: body mind and soul (energy). The mind is made up of the consciousness and the subconscious part. It’s how you see yourself. Let’s start off with exposing the foods that are available; Carbs, Protein and Fats have different building blocks in foods. Carbs can be released into energy very quickly, however the problem is the energy is used instantly (fast release) leading you to feel low on energy soon after you’ve consumed them. Athletes for example will eat a snack full of sugar and carbs to get that energy burst before a run or match.
Fats don’t digest easily, but it gives you longer lasting energy. If you eat Carbs and Fats then the body will use the carbs for energy and store the fats. If you stopped eating carbs and only eat fats and protein then you’ll activate genes to digest fats into long lasting energy. You won’t have the sugar rush and up/down energy levels. In the Keto diet you eat more fats and protein but small portion.  The average diet contains a lot of Carbs and people will reach out for a sugar snack to get more energy, however eating fats like olive oil, coconut oils will help curb the sugar cravings and will give you longer lasting energy.

The body and mind are connected, your digestion and absorption of nutrients are related to your thoughts and feelings. What you put in your mouth goes into a pipe and goes out at the other end. If you stretch out the digestive system it’s a pipe one hole at top your mouth and at the other end your anus. To absorb the nutrients into you body from the pipe, the digestive system picks what it wants and the rest gets secreted. It’s about Consciousness - are you building a healthy or a sick body?
The digestive system merely acts to what visions you have and react to what belief you hold.
A lot of people in this world have an issue with feeling a lack of love. It goes back to when you were a child and the programs that you recorded. The programs are usually self sabotaging, feelings of lack of self love, self worth are being stored into the mind and as an adult you act and create the wold that you subconsciously perceive. In my last blog I explained how you can reprogram your subconscious into the life you want. As the Buddha said with the mind you create the world. You can create a healthy body and mind.
It is ultimately up to you if you want to be vegetarian, vegan or which diets to follow. I’m not a keen meat eater and will hardly eat meat, yet when I was pregnant of my first daughter, I dreamt of steak and orange juice. My body was telling me I was low on iron and needed to top up on iron and iron gets better absorbed with vitamin C. Your body is a miracle with its own capacity to self heal, to replenish and rejuvenate as long as we are in tune with our body, nature and to live a life of harmony and health.

In health

Wednesday, 19 June 2019


When I ask yogis “what do you want in your life most”  people respond with Love, Peace, Joy. So this shows we agree on most things. This is a very exiting time to live in as we are becoming more  conscious we will create this heaven on Earth.

 Definition of consciousness is being aware of and responding to your environment. 2019 marks a fantastic year  as we collectively see old structures collapsing and more and more people waking up. The old way of being of survival of the fittest doesn’t work as we see our environment with many species being extinct, we are realising that nature and humanity is based on cooperation.

Consciousness creates your life’s experiences. As the Buddha said “ with the mind you create your world”.  If you think negative thoughts then you’ll make it a reality. The key is that you have the power to turn your life to a positive way of being. When you feel negative thoughts come up, distract yourself with fun stuff to do like walk in nature, read a book, dance, sing. This way you’ll let go of repetitive self talk. If you do this habitually i.e. whenever a negative thoughts comes up doing something fun then the dialogue in your head will go away and you’ll reprogram your negative patterns into positive ones. The mind consists of two parts the conscious which is the creative side that we only use 5% of our day, the  subconscious mind is part of the mind that has been programmed  by habits and beliefs since we were young and mostly are self sabotaging programmes. We operate 95% of our day from the subconscious mind.  The good news is you have the power to rewrite the programme by habitually ( making it a new habit) to think positive thoughts. Meditation is another way or self hypnosis, voice record the things you want into your life and listen to it just before you fall asleep ( this is known as the theta state, hypnosis stage) and will go straight to the subconscious mind. You are the creator of your life and by changing your programs you can change your life.

More and more people are fed up of being stressed.  We are breaking the structure and underneath it is a new structure. We are collectively thinking outside of the box into a more conscious healthier and happier life that is in harmony and in tune with nature and that is what Yoga is about. Harmony!


Wednesday, 12 June 2019

 GMO is not Holistic and Natural

You lead a healthy holistic lifestyle and try to eat a variety of in season grown foods. Yet how healthy is your food?

With increased number of crops I did some research and wondered what the leading scientists say about GMO foods.
GMO stands for Genetically Modified Organisms where DNA from one species (i.e. plants, animals  or microorganisms) gets implanted into an other species in a way that does not occur naturally by mating and or natural recombination. Some call gmo as “God Move Over”. Changing nature to accommodate the industrial module of fast quantity rather letting nature take its time and having quality foods. GMO foods is known to damage organs, immune systems, creates holes in the GI track, cancer. Eating GMO foods is a risk not taking , says Don Laster PhD.

Colin Campbell PhD professor at Cornell university says the food industry is here to make money and is not interested in high quality foods.

Even when studies have shown that eating GMO foods is unhealthy, governments and officials backed the big Pharma and Bio-Tech companies.
Those companies and government officials suppress knowledge. Safety bills are used to protect the bio tech companies.
Those companies produce seeds that are resistant to chemicals and even crops which are organic and grown next to gmo crops get contaminated also insects and air gets contaminated. 

Dr. Bruce Lipton PHD biologist and author of Biology of belief, says “GMO foods have negative and profound changes to our environment. We are heading to sixth mass extinctions, we are rapidly losing species. The source of the problem is human behaviour that is undermining the web of life”. If people would know the truth they would demand healing and holistic lifestyle instead of disinformation by large cooperations, governments and European legislators. 
Lack of information is lack of power. Do your research yogis and be informed.
In health,