Tuesday, 27 August 2019



  Health, Breath and Love

The average person takes 16 breaths every minute. Your lungs are very important function/part in your body. Located in and a representation of the fourth Chakra ( Anahata Heart Chakra). This chakra is mostly know as the Heart Chakra, however it also represents our lungs. It’s the midpoint in the seven chakras and the midpoint in the body, is considered a gateway to higher consciousness. 
Yoga practice helps our lungs and through deep breathing exercises we can strengthen our lungs. Shallow breathing is not so good for our health. People who work behind a desk all day or don’t lead an active life, get less oxygen pumped around the body as the lungs become lazy. You can exercise your muscles and exercise your lungs too. Use it or lose it is the expression, but so true. The ultimate healer and cleanser is the breath (oxygen). Take more worthwhile breaths to strengthen your lungs. Also if you are stressed, deep breathing will bring your body from the sympathetic ( fight or flight) state to the parasympathetic ( growth and repair) state that is calm and tells your body all is well and no danger is in the way. 
Quit smoking! For thousands of years Tobacco have been used, for example in Shamanic ceremonies. We never saw cancer from those practices that involved Tobacco, however it’s until big cooperations changed the flavour of Tobacco and added more than 600 chemicals, herbicides and pesticides  to the product that cancer has dramatically increased! The addictive proportions and chemicals that have been added to tobacco cigarettes by the big cooperations to sell more cigarettes and make more profits. Carbon monoxide and lead have also been added to the tobacco. Carbon monoxide destroys the mechanical function of your lungs. The additives and chemicals leads to emphysema and lung cancer. Dr Group founder of the Global Healing Centre has done the research and says Quit Smoking as it destroys  your health and the people in your vicinity. 
Here are some tools that yogis and alternative healers, Dr Group recommend to strengthen and heal your lungs. 
- Breathing exercise 
Close your eyes breath deeply from the lower part of your lungs. Do this 9 times. 
- Lungs strengthening food like Cayenne pepper, this helps irritation and inflammation of the lungs. Pistachios have a lot of Vitamin E. Plantain leaf are good for lung congestion. Using organic herbs like peppermint, lungwort, eucalyptus as oils or herbs to help your breathing. www.globalhealingcenter.com

- Reducing exposure to air pollution in your workplace and homes. As a lot of building are so airtight that mould and mildew can occur. Look at the cleaning products you use. Use eco friendly and or make your own cleaning products. Breathing in Household cleaning products is like smoking 20 cigarettes a day as reported  in What Doctors Don’t tell you article  in the highly acclaimed What Doctors Don’t Tell You magazine www.wddty.com

- Put plants in your home, workplace or your car (in the cup holder), plants absorb toxins and produce oxygen. 

- Be in nature as often as you can.

- Extended puppy pose to help with calming and breathing in your back yoga pose. Come to childpose and lift up on your knees and extend your arms forward on the ground. Keep your hips up.  

- Caster-oil packs to improve lung condition. Place caster oil on a cloth on your chest to absorb toxins. www.globalhealingcentre.com shows you how to make the packs. 

In health,

