Tuesday, 1 October 2019

Climate Change or Change in perception?

There are three streams of thought about Climate Change, one thought is it’s patterns and cycles of Nature. Other thought is that humans have polluted the environment and third stream of thought is ignoring that there is Climate Change. As a Historian , International Relations analyst, Yoga Teacher and practitioner, I’m very much interested in cycle, patterns and wisdom of people, Nature,  past and present Wisdom of Yogis and Shamans. 
We as humans have not created Climate Change, this is part of nature’s cycle. However we have added and not helped matters by polluting and destroying the rainforests. Of course we need to keep our nest clean and cherish, respect our Nature and environment. We are part of Nature after all. 
It’s not fearing the change of climate change, rather going with the flow.  Don’t think it was better in the olden days and cling to those beliefs rather go with the flow, adapt and evolve with this cycle. These are exciting times indeed. We are at the casp of evolving into higher consciousness and we can participate, cooperate into a smooth cycle change. Sadly the mainstream media, science and politicians who are mostly paid by the Bio Tech Companies wants humanity to live in fear, struggle and stress. The outdated Darwinian Theory suggests that evolution is driven by random mutations and Nature has taken on its current structure and organisation simply by accident. These conventional models that are still taught at schools are outmoded. These are old way of Darwinian thinking are theories after all and not factual. We as a collective can evolve in a positive way of Being. We have tried to control nature but after all we are Nature! The dog eat dog mentality was a theory that was wrong and now we can see that our true nature is of cooperation , love, and unity. As Bruce Lipton ( Biologist and author of Biology of Belief), calls it a ‘Holism’ society. It’s a shift of perception that we are not a victim rather creators and participants of our Environment. 

In Health



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