Wednesday, 29 April 2015

Nature's Healing Power

Image result for quotes of John Muir

Yesterday I spent most of the day in the car.  When I finally reached my front door I could not go in.  I put the key in my pocket and started to walk.  I felt such a profound instinct to be feel the sun on my face.... fresh air in my lungs.  I closed my eyes taking deep breaths loving the clean cold air flowing in and the stale static air flowing out.  I had no idea where I was walking and I didn't care.  I was so elated to be FREE.

I was trapped, caged, knotted up and tangled in my car stuck behind the wheel, my body frozen in the same posture for hours on end, my mind glued to the traffic in front of me.  

I felt such a  deep and primal need to move, walk, breathe and be in nature.  I had to release all the physical and mental restraints that had suffocated me all day.  As I walked in the warmth of the sun I felt reborn.  All the frustration, anxiety and fear washed away.

Never underestimate the power of nature...  fresh air, sunshine, trees, ponds, grass, flowers... to heal and renew your body and soul.

It is so simple.  Just open your front door and set yourself free.

Namaste     Luma

Tuesday, 28 April 2015


Image result for Photos of yoga in the desert

Stillness... the word sounds so inviting... so elusive.  And yet to be truly still, grounded in my own body, totally aware of the moment is a rare occurrence but one which I would like to build into each day.  

As friends, daughters, wives, mothers we operate in various roles. Almost always we are meeting the needs of other people.  Taking a moment to be quiet and still...without being called or summoned, texted or emailed, required or obligated is a rare and wonderful time.... Take that time for yourself and remember YOU and your well being are more important than all the other daily demands on your energy and time.  Whatever it is... it can wait for 5 minutes. Your health and happiness can not...

Namaste     Luma

Monday, 27 April 2015

Introduce a Friend to Yoga...

              Introduce a Friend to Yoga

Image result for Photos of friends doing yoga Image result for Photos of friends doing yoga

If you love Yoga think about someone in your life who may really benefit from introducing Yoga into their life.  It is a great gift to give a friend who may be suffering from stress, bereavement, divorce or who just needs a bit of a boost.  

Yoga is such a powerful force for good in life why not share it with a friend.  The best part is you will have someone to practice with whether at home, in the park or in classes together.  So spread the word and introduce someone to yoga today. It's definitely good Karma! 

                                       Namaste     Luma 

Spice up your health with the power of Cinnamon

Image result for Photo of CinnamonImage result for Photo of Cinnamon


This ancient spice has one of the highest antioxidant 

levels of any spice.

Cinnamon is highly effective at helping to stabilize 

blood sugar levels, making it very effective for those 

with diabetes (type 1 and type 2). In one study of 

people with type 2 diabetes, just two teaspoons a 

day reduced blood sugar as much as 20-30%, as 

well  as lowering LDL cholesterol and triglyceride 


Cinnamon also has powerful anti-inflammatory 

properties, and helps relieve pain and stiffness in 

muscles and joints, including arthritis. Cinnamon has 

a positive effect on brain function, and smelling 

cinnamon, or chewing cinnamon flavored gum, can 

possibly help improve memory and attention.

Cinnamon also reduces inflammation in blood 

vessels that leads to atherosclerosis and heart 

disease, as well as having anti-fungal and 

antibacterial properties.

Sprinkle a bit of cinnamon on your porridge or in 

your tea adding health benefits as well as flavor to 

your food.

Namaste               Luma

Sunday, 26 April 2015

Energizing Foods that Fuel your Yoga Practice

Image result for Photos of yoga in the clouds

What better than to eat foods that give you energy rather than drain your energy.  You know what I mean... the foods we often associate as 'treats' are in fact harmful to our bodies and our state of mind. It is far easier to avoid those foods filled with processed sugars, white flour, preservatives and additives if you educate and inform yourself as to the very real damage they do.

I recommend the following 14 energizing foods to include or increase in your diet.  These foods have only benefits no side effects or downsides.  

Brown whole grain organic rice
Green Tea

I recommend experimenting with foods and eliminating anything that makes you feel low, lethargic, sleepy or generally unwell.  Food should compliment and enhance your life.

Namaste     Luma

Saturday, 25 April 2015

Rainy Day Yoga

                                         Rainy Day Yoga

Rain, Rain go away come again another day!  After all the wonderful weather it was bound to happen... the clouds have come and we are getting some much needed rain... but it can put a damper on motivation to get up and do your practice.  I found a great photo which I think sums it up pretty well.... 

               No matter what the weather Yoga makes you feel better! 

Image result for Photos of yoga in the rain

Friday, 24 April 2015

The Origin's of Power Yoga... Beryl Bender Birch... an Inspiration

 - Courtesy of Sellers Publishing

Have you ever wondered how Power Yoga developed and who originated the style of yoga which provides a strong flowing cardiovascular practice?  Well look no further because Beryl Bender Birch is the woman who began the evolution of this increasingly popular style of yoga.

Beryl Bender Birch studied under
Sri K, Pattabhi Jois and says I immediately began to teach what I was learning and I have been teaching either the Ashtanga series, or some vinyasa variation of the various asana series ever since. I never diverged from teaching Ashtanga. 

Power Yoga was simply a name, the name I came up with in the late 80’s to let people know that this ashtanga yoga practice – unlike most of the yoga taught in the 70’s – was a serious workout – designed to build significant strength and concentration as well as flexibility. It also was a way for “western mind” to relate to this rather obscure version of yoga called ashtanga. 

In my first book, Power Yoga, published in l995, I detailed the Primary Series of Ashtanga, along with specific alignment instructions, modifications for athletes and beginners, and cautions for poses with potential for injury. I taught Power Yoga in New York City for 22 years from l980 to 2002. My husband Thom Birch, a world class runner and one of the tightest people I had ever taught yoga to, taught with me for many years and together, we trained over 100,000 people through our classes at the New York Road Runners Club.

By the early 90’s we had full time yoga classes going round the clock. I taught privates in the mornings, corporate classes at lunch, and power yoga classes for athletes in the evenings on Mondays and Wednesdays and advanced ashtanga classes downtown on Broome Street on Tuesdays and Thursdays. I started a teacher training program in l985 that continues through my The Hard & The Soft Yoga Institute today.

Beryl is a truly inspirational power yoga teacher and has recently published a book detailing how to practice yoga no matter what your age specifically designed to optimise your yoga practice no matter what your age.  

Tuesday, 21 April 2015

Power-up your Yoga with Healthy Eating....

Click for Options

Eating healthy food tastes and feels great! Sometimes we forget that eating healthy foods is not deprivation or dieting but treating ourselves to the gift of looking and more importantly FEELING FANTASTIC!  

Healthy eating is the foundation on which we build our lives.  Eating foods that give us nutrients, energy and build muscle enable us to live our lives to the fullest.  

Do a little experiment after eating and notice how the foods you consume make you feel.  Eliminate foods that make you tired, lethargic, sleepy or unable to concentrate.

Notice which foods make you feel vibrant, energized and full of get up and go. In my experience it is fresh fruit and vegetables, lean sources of protein, whole grains and legumes that really give me lasting energy.  

Refined sugar, white flour, caffeine, alcohol and processed foods with hidden preservatives and additives including flavor enhancers drain my energy and leave me feeling depressed and lethargic.  

So make strong food choices that build you up rather than tear you down.  As you can see healthy is delicious! So feed your body's fundamental nutritional needs... don't go for the quick fix.  And watch your health, happiness and energy levels sky rocket!

Namaste     Luma

Monday, 20 April 2015

The Food Revolution Summit.... Find out about the latest discoveries related to food as medicine and the power of nutrition to treat and heal illness

How It Works
From April 25-May 3, you get to participate in the free Food Revolution Summit. Each day we’ll broadcast 3 riveting interviews with our expert speakers. Each interview will be 30-45 minutes long, and will be conducted by my dad and colleague, bestselling author and food revolution legend John Robbins.

The interviews will air at 8, 9 and 10 am, Pacific time. You can listen live from your computer, tablet, or smart phone, using a link we’ll send you before the summit starts. Or you can join us by calling in to a teleconference line. After each interview, if you’re able to join us live, you can hear me sharing my top take-home insights, answering questions, and giving away some awesome gifts. Each interview will also be on replay for 24 hours.

Click here to get the whole schedule.

If you want to take the entire Food Revolution Summit home for life, including all the MP3 recordings, transcripts, and more than $1,500 worth of bonuses, you will want to get the Empowerment Package. It’s on pre-summit sale now.

Find out more by clicking here.

Between now and the start of the summit I’ll be emailing you links to some powerful videos to whet your appetite and help you start activating your own food revolution even before the summit begins. Be sure to keep an eye on your inbox for all the juicy details. And to download your complimentary 19 page Real Food Action Guide, click here.

Now, I have a quick question for you…Have you checked out the speaker line up yet?

Which presentations are you most excited about?

I think these are some of the most brilliant people alive! And their collective wisdom is about to be unleashed to help you thrive.

My heart is overflowing with excitement to share this adventure with you.
Yours for thriving,
Ocean Robbins

P.S. Be sure to tell your friends and family about the Food Revolution Summit. Just give them this link.

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