Are you Dehydrated?
Symptoms of dehydration can sneak up on you and you may not realise that lack of water is the cause. Feelings of lethargy, headaches, dry mouth, muscle fatigue, irritability and increased appetite can be a result of dehydration.
Many people mistakenly believe that any liquid counts towards their daily fluid intake. This is not the case. Soft drinks, coffee, tea, smoothies, shakes, alcohol and beer all put stress on the body and deplete the bodies water reserves.
Restoring your hydration levels is only possible by drinking water or herbal teas. The additives, caffeine, carbonation and sugar in other drinks use water rather than provide it. Caffeinated drinks in particular act as a diuretic causing the body to expel fluid rather than retain it.
So how much pure water should you be drinking each day? Between 2 and 4 liters a day depending on your activity levels and the external temperature. Drinking extra water is particularly important in hot weather or after intense physical exertion.
So drink up! Once you get in the habit of staying hydrated you will be amazed at how much better you look, feel and function.
Namaste Luma
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