Friday 19 April 2019

Yoga and the Full Moon, to practice or not?

Yoga practice is closely related to nature, Hatha Yoga ( the mother of all yoga) which can be translated as Ha means Sun ☀️ and Tha as Moon 🌑. The Sun is the Masculine energy, dynamic, hot and the Moon represents the feminine energy, related to the senses and cool. The Moon influences the Earth ( look at the Eb and flow of the seas). the Sun influences the Moon. In yoga we want to bring the body in balance and being in tune and the rhythm of nature.

Some Yoga practices like Ashtanga Vinyasa recommend not to practice on a Full Moon day as it’s believed you are more likely to injur yourself. The Sun and Moon exert a gravitational pull on the Earth. Their positions create different energetic feelings in your body that can be compared to breath cycle. The Full Moon energy relates to the end of inhalation, when the force of Prana ( breath/life force) is greatest. This is an upward moving force that makes us feel energetic and emotional, but not well grounded. During the Full Moon we tend to be more stubborn and tend to push ourselves too hard.

Should you practice Yoga on a Full Moon Day?
I would recommend to listen to your body and practice Ahimsa (non harming), perhaps a gentle flow and Yin Yoga ( Yin is the moon energy), when you are in tune with your body and nature then your body will guide you, listen to your body.

Moon Bathing
We all know about Sun Bathing, Forest bathing and try out Moon Bathing. On a Full Moon day it’s glorious to be outside and let the Full Moon wash over you and surround you with its magic. Meditation, sending out Forgiveness and Gratitutde to all that you have in your life. And like Yasmin Boland, Moonlogy expert, recommends to say the following mantra Om Namo Narayani ( I trust in the divine /Universe).


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