1. Egg whites 
Egg whites have a lot of branched-chain amino acids, which keep your metabolism ready to go. As an added bonus, they’re also packed with protein and vitamin D.
2. Oatmeal 
Oatmeal is full of soluble fiber which requires a lot of calories to break down. So you burn as you eat: It also has a very low GI rating so releases energy slowly balancing your blood sugar levels. Oatmeal also helps decrease your cholesterol levels and reduce your risk of heart disease.
3. Broccoli 
Vegetables like broccoli have a high water and fiber content, meaning that you’ll feel full; they will also increase your body’s ability to burn fat by as much as 30 percent. Another advantage is they are high in iron and antioxidants and are part of the cruciferous vegetable family which have been shown to fight cancer cells.
4. Hot peppers 
A little spice can go a long way with weight loss. Hot peppers such as jalapeños contain a chemical called capsaicin, . This gives food that spicy kick, which causes a spike in your metabolism. It also works long after you’ve eaten — capsaicin can actually keep your metabolism running at a higher pace even hours after you’ve finished your meal.
5. Water 
It may not seem like it does much for weight loss, but it does. If you’re even a little bit dehydrated, your metabolism can slow down. Drinking cold water forces your body to use even more calories to warm itself up.
6. Cinnamon 
Just adding one-fourth to one teaspoon of this spice to an everyday food, such as hot cereal or yogurt, helps blood sugar get into cells where it’s used for energy, meaning less is stored as fat
7. Green tea 
First, it includes caffeine, which accelerates your heart rate and gets your metabolism going. The tea also contains a chemical, known as EGCG, that stimulates the nervous system and helps you to burn calories at a faster rate.
8. Chicken and fish
When your body digests food, it uses energy. When you consume protein, it burns even more calories than it would while breaking down carbs and fats.
9. Whole grains 
Yes, even carbs can be good, when you eat the right kind. Oats and barley have great nutritional value and even have the power to help control your appetite. Whole grains include short-chain fatty acids, which will help you eat less. They also have a high level of fiber, meaning you’ll feel full longer. The secret is moderation in relation to the amount of protein you consume. More protein and a small amount of whole grains is the right proportion.
10. Almonds 
While they’re high in calories, they’re also crammed full of essential fatty acids, a great metabolism booster. Nuts are highly concentrated full or protein and fat so not too many and you will reap the metabolic benefits.
Namaste Luma
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